Hi everyone, thanks in advance for taking the time to help other people, that's super nice and what it's all about! :)
I'm not too sure about the main mechanic of my game here https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2019/rate/461157. I think it may be fine for people who do music or rhythm games often because they may be used to multitasking/automating a repetitive pattern/melody, knowing when to press the buttons and memorizing it really fast (please correct me if I'm wrong though). I'd like some feedback specially from people who aren't too accostumed to musical notation and/or playing an instrument, on how does it affect the gameplay (and how easy/hard is it to get to play the game due to the mechanic, if it was even possible at all for you). Also, does it make it tedious?
I'd also like to know if the level design achieves its purpose. I wrote down some stuff on the game's page that came to my head while publishing it for the sake of documentation, and along other stuff, it kind of outlines (even if vaguely) the purpose of each room in the game, and I'd like to know if I achieved it and helped the mechanic shine through the level's design. (I also forgot to mention the introduction's purpose on my game's description, but I think that it's pretty clear)
The goal of the game is to experiment and find possible new tools/techniques that I can possibly use in the future, and learn how far can I push some different skills into games, while keeping them enjoyable. In other terms: knowing if I can rely on some memorization, rhyth, multitasking, or whatever skills are needed to play the game as the basis for my mechanics, and knowing if I'm pushing them too far or making the game too crowded by having all of it. It's not (at least in the forseeable future) for something commercial, but rather for basic research/experimenting purposes.
Side note: If you're attempting to play the game and hitting the notes seems kind of out of place, or delayed, or buggy, or unreliable, or whatever; try downloading the game (bottom of the page) and lower the rendering clarity in Unity if the problem still persists. (Sorry, it's a bug I couldn't fix due to time constraints. It's most likely frametime fluctuation related)
Thanks a ton!
(Sorry for the huge wall of text, and I'll get to test some of your games in here and give feedback another day because it's pretty late at night already here)