The updated music is nice.
Managed to kill myself during the grenade-tutorial by spamming grenades for fun, this is not a criticism, just thought you would find it funny.
The squad AI is really fun to play around with, I should record myself playing this sometime, I think you would have a laugh at how stupid I am. My core instinct is to shoot everyone so some of my tactics do not really pay off in successful missions.
Here are some fun examples:
Send in the boys while I stay behind and just yell at everyone to surrender.
Send in the boys and throw in a grenade or two.
Throw in stun grenades, send in the boyz and beanbag people for good measure.
Here is a scoring suggestion: how about a “carnage mode” where you get scored on brutality instead of trying to do good police work? Arresting someone first then grenading them before sending them to the penal zone grants extra points. Yelling at someone who has already given up grants extra points. Beanbagging or stun-grenading the bros grants extra points. Arresting humans but shooting gobbos gives extra points, or the inverse depending on what race you are playing as…
Gameplay suggestion: Some kind of stun-mine which you can use when you learn in people…
I have a lot of fun when I try to do missions seriously, I also have a lot of fun when I just try to do some crazy moves not necessarily intended to be good policework… If I can get a good mic going I will record sometime.
GO GET EM BOYZ! *throws in grenades behind the fellows while yelling at the crooks to surrender*
I might have more for you later today.