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Cute art. The controls that are in place are functional, everything feels smooth - especially the camera controls. Great work.

Are you planning on adding in control groups? It's perfectly playable without, but I definitely found myself trying to make them subconsciously a few times. Took me a second to realize that recon vehicles don't respond to the attack move function. That turned out to be kind of a blessing to sort my units out at the start - the ability to double click a unit type and select all nearby identical units might be nice. I'm an avid RTS and wargame player, but I'm getting old and arthritic so I tend to do everything I can to avoid doing box selections. I accidentally pressed esc trying to pause the game to tab out and write this and closed the window. Oops. I just noticed there's an actual pause button afterwards, thanks for including that.

I can't tell if spotting enemies is working correctly. Do units have conal sight? I can't really tell. It feels like certain enemies would go hidden and become visible at random. I assume that's probably a WIP.

Regardless, it's nice to see a quality RTS in development at aggydaggy. I had fun, I'm looking forward to seeing more and I'll be keeping an eye out for updates in the future.

Thank you!

>Are you planning on adding in control groups?

Yes I'd like to add control groups but I'll have to prioritize more important issues first.

>I can't tell if spotting enemies is working correctly.

It is behaving weirdly at the moment, and has really bad performance. Overhauling that system will be among the top priority for the next demo.