I had some criticism but didn't write it down (was too busy playing)... so from what I can remember:
- When there's a lot of action and I want to click fast, I misclick the wires. Example: there are 3 dudes, I want to connect all of them to each other, so I click on them 1 2 3. Obviously that doesn't work because I have to click: 1 2 - 2 3. Maybe it's in the game but I missed it, but it'd be nice if it would auto-connect to the last "socket" if possible.
- The generators don't look like generators. Was pretty weird in the beginning to understand how a yellow cube represented a generator. Also, shooting the generator was not obivous.
- I hope there will be more gadgets to interact with like phones, lamps, AC, etc..
- Who's the guy in the toilet?
No commentary video.