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(2 edits)

I tried to play the game 3 times, after i get the key i cant seem to open the locked door, and there is no where else to go. The audio in most places don't loop so I'm stuck in silence. Besides that i did jump the first time i played it. Some textures seem stretched but overall if i could of finished the game it would go higher since i didn't see anything theme wise.

-EDIT: Now i past that, didnt know it had an inventory with tab. Now im stuck where there is a patch of bushes and a tree, i got the key and flipped the switch and there is no more progression to my knowledge. Its fun, a lot of jump scares but i still dont find correlation with the theme.

-EDIT EDIT: I finish it! it was good now i see how it had to do with secrets and a grave per say hahaha. Good game good puzzles, it was fun!

glad you enjoyed it Paul. ill check  your games. thanks and have great day//night