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A member registered Jun 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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thank you for the comment! I've been taking your recommendations to hand and fixed most of it! still working on some thought :D appreciate the comment :))

I actually don't know what to say, its REALLY GOOD! The only thing is that there is no audio in the survival mode, but the story mode is 10/10! 

-Only thing is that the camera movement when walking did get me a bit dizzy? maybe have an option to lower how much it moves (the view bobbing)! 

Really straight forward, kind of confusing at first, but passing 2 levels made it so clear. The art is really nice and the music is relaxing but also makes it fun! 

Its not overcomplicated and i enjoyed playing it :D.

Really liked the art and music, the gameplay is really addictive which is nice. The attacking mechanic is a bit rusty, as you have to turn around to attack and by then the enemies can hurt you. But besides that its a solid game!

Really liked the models and art, the filter makes it looks nice, just the game is too long. I felt like i was in a walking simulator walked for like 7-10 min and didnt get anywhere. Besides that it was fun :D.

-Enjoyed the mechanic it's really good!

its short but saw you had little time, but overall if you make a puzzle game out of it. it would be amazing!

Looks really good! Maybe adding some levels to add variety to the gameplay, but as a base it looks really good :D, goes well with the theme too and the mechanics are easy to pickup.

Cant get past the loading screen uses 8GB of ram of the game, and crashes everything I'm using.

Not old-PC-friendly

The main menu and loading screen look really good. I could see its a visually appealing game but i cant open it :(.

also if you change the audio and go back to the main menu the continue button appears.

Really nice!!! I liked it a lot, the filter of the game though, it wasn't pleasant for the eyes maybe lower how much filter is in use. The audio was good with the story narrated. 

-I got stuck outside the tomb once and i was soft-locked, could not continue or do anything

-I repeated the same "story " 3 times i feel like i have to keep doing it to continue with the story. 

It goes great with the theme, really liked it tbh! 4/5

-Kind of confusing on where i am during the gameplay, i think a mini map or something that helps you move around would help a lot!

-I didn't catch what it had to do with the theme.

-Audio was nice and the art was cool, maybe polishing a little on the UI would make it more visually appealing.

I like the concept of the procedural generated map its really cool, but for the sake of this Jam it feels like it need a little more adding for the theme :D. 

Would be nice if it had some background music, not just the gunshots. 

I think i missed what it had to do with the Jam theme. Didn't grasp that idea.

Visuals are good but maybe if it had the jump animation it would of been cleaner so for that ill give it a 4/5.

The credits button also doesn't show anything.

(2 edits)

I tried to play the game 3 times, after i get the key i cant seem to open the locked door, and there is no where else to go. The audio in most places don't loop so I'm stuck in silence. Besides that i did jump the first time i played it. Some textures seem stretched but overall if i could of finished the game it would go higher since i didn't see anything theme wise.

-EDIT: Now i past that, didnt know it had an inventory with tab. Now im stuck where there is a patch of bushes and a tree, i got the key and flipped the switch and there is no more progression to my knowledge. Its fun, a lot of jump scares but i still dont find correlation with the theme.

-EDIT EDIT: I finish it! it was good now i see how it had to do with secrets and a grave per say hahaha. Good game good puzzles, it was fun!

Gracias por el feedback, arreglare eso en mi siguiente update!! Y si no tuve tiempo para el SFX del boss queria trabajar mas en el :). E intentare hacer movimiento libre en el aire para el siguiente update!

Thank you! Thats thanks to the artists listen in the credits menu :)) 

This is my first itchio game jam that i actually posted something so im a bit nervous if you want to add any comments on my game please do! Im trying to improve it :D. And good luck to the best.

Arise, Sapling community · Created a new topic Advice :D

Anything that i could improve on, i will still be working on the game this is the version

Any bugs that you find would also be helpful if you report them here :D plz