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This made me feel like I was going through a dream, the way you are moving but the setting is so disjointed and constantly shifts, and you don't understand how you got from one place to another yet it logically makes sense in the dream. It was really cool to just embrace the surreality. I also found this particular line really good:
"Our plagues are for the ones who build towers, and it's just unfortunate that they are the last ones to die."
I thought about it and it is quite tragic - I see it as the locusts meaning only to punish the greediest and most selfish, I see them as the shortsighted politicians and unsustainable CEOs and vengeful warmongers of the world and it reflects how if you behave in socially destructive and evil ways in real life, eventually evil undoes itself and you will naturally be punished for your behavior by your own behavior, and there are some religious undertones of the prideful and most ambitious being struck down too. But despite all this, by the time these people get their comeuppance, it is too late, because they have exploited and hurt too many innocent people and stepped on them to reach these heights in the process. Even if the innocent do not do anything to warrant divine punishment, they will be punished in earthly ways.
I'm not sure if I articulated this properly, it definitely means something to me but in the short amount of sleepy time I have to write this I don't know if it came through, but just know I definitely got something profound out of that line.