Gorgeous art and presentation, but I had some gripes, I listed them out in case they’re of any use to you:
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Having to click on the “base” tile that a character is on instead of being able to click anywhere in their body is confusing and can make you think that something isn’t interactable when it is.
The character changing direction rapidly sometimes when you try to move diagonally looks quite jarring, is the lack of non-cardinal-direction, non-grid movement a limitation of the engine/framework?
The main character’s default walking/running animations look very rigid.
Explaining all the stats at once when you shoot the deer targets is near-useless, there’s no way you’ll remember any of them, you’d have to be screenshotting the explanations or something, at which point you might as well just put that explanation in the menu when you hover on that stat’s name.
Enemies in the start seem to rarely hit any attacks. Intentional?
After walking back up to the swirling tree area, walking left or right actives the trigger to go back down to the bonefield. This is easy to do if you click anywhere that isn’t directly above the character, as the game tries to move horizontally first even if you click right above the player and only very slightly to the side.
I just realised arrow keys do movement too, had presumed mouse movement was the only control scheme. Is there any reason for walking to exist when sprinting does the exact same but faster, and is the default when using the mouse? Though I would prefer to use the keyboard, I don’t like having to use both hands just to move (or awkwardly press the arrow keys and Right Shift with the same hand).
The red flashes from what I presume is the curse draining my health are too strong, they give me the same funny feeling that seizure-inducing gifs do (I am not epileptic but am mildly sensitive to the same flashes). Same goes for the flashes when touching into the deer that you can’t fight.
I totally get it if you’re going for a “tough as nails, doesn’t hold your hand” game, but yeah it feels pretty sucky to blow your healing items on not realising the curse is draining your health mega fast,
The 2nd time you approach the mirror that teaches gaslighting, it vanishes while the character is saying “I need to find her…”