This is really neat, I like that you have one story and that's it, that's your story. It feels special to me. Those damn spiders... Maybe I should have gone to the cabin after all...
Beautiful art in this game. I love the colours you've used. The font was a little hard to read at times but it suits the style and tone of the game that I think the difficulty to read it is worth it. The music goes really well with it too :). Awesome work!
Here's my story for anyone interested ^_^. (I really like that it gives you the option to copy it at the end).
That's it! You are completely lost. One moment you were camping with your friends, the next one a thunderstorm drives you deeper into the woods than you have ever been. When the rain finally stopped you had no idea where you were.
You look around from some clues to find your way out of these woods. Eventually you stumble upon a pathway that you have never been on. You walk along it, any direction seems fine right now.
After a while you reach a crossing. The right path leads down into an even darker part of the forrest, on the left path you can see a small cabin in the distance.
You Go into the woods.
The longer you walk, the darker it seems to get, until you can barely see. You keep on walking until you suddenly suble out into a clearing. In the center of which there is a huge circle of stones, looking like an ancient ritual location.
You can see the path continuing on the other side of the stone circle. Something seems eerie about the huge stones. How did they get here? And how has nobody noticed them before. You certainly never heard about them.
You Go around the circle.
You step back into the dark forrest. The ground still feels moist from the rain earlies. And just as you are thinking about how lucky you are that you haven't slipped and fallen yet, you do exactly that. You slide down a slope into utter darkness.
You get scratched and bruised by branches and stones on your way down, until you finally land on a big sticky carpet. As you try to get up you realize that you are really stuck to the carpet. From the darkness you can hear disturbing clicking noises.
You Break free.
You jump up, ripping the carpet. Then you realize that it was no carpet, but the web belonging to the giant spider that is now charging at you with its eight long and hairy legs.
You Run like hell!
You stumble up the slope you came down, the gigantic arachnoid chasing after you. Suddenly you slip once more on the wet ground and everything happens in slow motion as you fall.
You Grab a tree trunk.
You reach for the trunk of a tree, but you barely miss it, fall and hit your head hard on a stone. Everything goes black.
You wake with a major headache, as you are suspended upside-down in mid-air. You are encased in spiderweb and when your eyes finally adjust to the darkness you see them. Crawling all around you are hundreds of enormous spiders.
Before you die in this horrible place you have enough time to think of all the times killed one of them, or had somebody else do the deed for you. This surely is a just ending for you.