I recorded and commented while I played your game. Here's the video for you :)
https://youtu.be/SUSAgqTBWRI (it's still processing at the moment)
My story:
That's it! You are completely lost. One moment you were camping with your friends, the next one a thunderstorm drives you deeper into the woods than you have ever been. When the rain finally stopped you had no idea where you were.
You look around from some clues to find your way out of these woods. Eventually you stumble upon a pathway that you have never been on. You walk along it, any direction seems fine right now.
After a while you reach a crossing. The right path leads down into an even darker part of the forrest, on the left path you can see a small cabin in the distance.
You Go into the woods.
The longer you walk, the darker it seems to get, until you can barely see. You keep on walking until you suddenly suble out into a clearing. In the center of which there is a huge circle of stones, looking like an ancient ritual location.
You can see the path continuing on the other side of the stone circle. Something seems eerie about the huge stones. How did they get here? And how has nobody noticed them before. You certainly never heard about them.
You Go through the circle.
The moment you step into the circle it feels like your are moving through a web of invisible veils. Your vision goes blurry for a second, but then you blink and you can't believe your own eyes. From inside the circle you the stones look like gateways.
There are four gateways, even though the one you just stepped through seems to have closed. Since there is no going back you take a look at the other three. The stones are marked with symbols of the four elements. You came from the earth gateway.
You Go through air gateway.
You step out on the other side of the gateway. Actually you are more falling than stepping, because suddenly you are high up in the air. And you can not believe what you see as you break through a layer of clouds.
You are high above your home town. You can even see the campsite you and your friends went to from here. But before you can enjoy the view you realize that you are getting closer and closer to the ground. You close your eyes and await the inevidable.
It was a calm night when you parents heard the big impact on the roof. It was giant mess. Some huge bird must have crashed right into their home, some local biologists were astonished by the size of the remains, but were unable to identify the species.
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