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Notes from gameplay:

- Creepy main menu! I like the static effect, it sets an immediate vibe for the game. The music is subtly discordant and spooky. The font feels too clean and fresh, however - for a future update, a more atmospheric font with more stylized borders for the selection boxes would enhance the feel.

- Great credits menu! Only suggestion is to make the linkedin links clickable to open in an external browser

- Interesting graphics! The grainy filter is slightly hard on the eyes

- Unclear if objects menu shows objects I already have or could potential collect, due to them being greyed out

- Music is great

- OH GOD THAT FACE, what a jump scare

- I like the flashlight mechanic of the battery wearing out and being able to collect more batteries, makes me cautious about using it too much which enhances the tension

- Pause menu is cool!

- Would like a confirmation before starting again, game kept looping through deaths while I was typing here

- Can't seem to kill the monster, my gunshots don't seem to be doing anything and it runs up very quickly! Didn't see him my first playthrough until I had explored a bit - am I being restarted in a different spot? Restarting game

- When I find an item it says "You find all the pieces" but I haven't yet.

- Monster is very unforgiving. I've only been able to chase it off once, tried about 10 plays so far. Maybe the flashlight could also keep it at bay? So far, I've just been constantly moving and that seems to be the only way to deal with it, but if I turn the wrong corner I instantly lose

- I figured out the maze to find all the items, but I can't seem to gather them and get to the ritual spot before the monster gets me :(

Interesting game and very atmospheric and creepy! I think it's just a bit too hard with how punishing the shadow monster is. I enjoyed playing and I think you really captured the horrific vibe of being lost in the Parisian catacombs!