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Thanks for playing and I'm glad you liked the game, the fact that it clicks with R6/SWAT veterans means that I'm on the right track.

Only issue I had with the command selection wheel was the fact that if I kept holding the mouse button as mission ended

Good find.

Also the selection wheel itself feels a bit unresponsive, something which I struggled with in my game before.

Yeah I'll need to fiddle with it, the problem is that I get used to the unresponsiveness so it's hard to be impartial when changing it.

when I have more time to play, I'll be experimenting with different compositions and equipment

There'll be more officers by next DD too

Hell yeah, can't wait for new stuff. Played a bit more and I gotta say I love the moments when a guy raises his hands up but uses the opportunity to ambush you if you lose sight of him without cuffing. raises the tension a lot.

I did take a squad of tranq dart goblins once and I found that some tangos will remain uncompliant and can't be subdued/shouted down and arrested. I end up having to kill them, with a few kicks. I would like to request an option to cuff a guy persuaded that way.

(1 edit) (+1)
I would like to request an option to cuff a guy persuaded that way.

If I add the ability to arrest stunned suspects then there'd be very few downsides to less lethal weapons and I wanna avoid the vanilla SWAT 4 situation where there's almost no reason not to use the pepperball gun.
Less lethal is already a bit too strong since it can keep targets stunned even through some defensive effects that would usually nullify all damage

 I already made it so being stunned incurs a morale penalty, but I get it that it's annoying when enemies don't surrender no matter what. Morale bonuses and maluses will get some adjusting, eventually.