ShoTro, I'm glad you enjoyed the game and even played all the way through.
- I really need to fix this asap!
- Hmm, I hadnt considered this.
- Also good feedback, as fun as this is, it scales your power WAY too fast. Maybe you can choose to buy a weapon OR increase projectile count. They both fill the same slot. And then limit to 5-6 weapons / projectile increases.
- I made all of the nodes exist in the scene even when unused, however they are marked as "visible = false". For some reason the first time I turn an instance of a node from "visible = false" to "visible = true" it causes the game to stutter. I still havent figured this out, and it is causing issues on other games I am working on...
- I'll see if I can add a leash to bring them back if they get too far away.
- Strong yes. It does actually have a victory screen at 30 minutes, but I think the game becomes AFK at 10-15 minutes with the scaling being so broken.... so you never get there.
I found that with each item that I added ( weapon or new unit ) the game became harder to balance, and rather the learning about the game engine I was spending a ton of time tuning numbers and enemy HP etc, so I decided to take a break and publish it. But comments like this give me a lot of motivation to revisit it and see what I can improve.
Thanks again!
For the visibility true/false stutter... modulate alpha from 0 to 255 and maybe disable the collision. I found out that visible goes through the whole tree to check stuff... for some reason.
As for the balance thing... yeah, that is always the hardest thing to figure out. Especially if something you really wanted is what is unbalancing the game.