Hey everyone, just found this thread and wanted to introduce myself. I'm Ross, and I am a TTRPG developer. In 2022, I released Lofi Bards To Study And Relax To, and I'm currently working on my new game 'Warped: A Manic Multiversal TTRPG'! The core premise of ‘Warped’ is that you don’t just play a single character. Each Player plays as a team of alternate universe variants of their own character, each with their own powers and abilities. Throughout your missions, you will switch between these Multiversal Forms, using their abilities to fight off your opponents, surpass your obstacles and achieve your goals. Nothing is off the table, meaning your adventuring party can contain everything from a Werewolf to a Cyberpunk and a man Made of Ice Cream. It’s wacky and bizarre, but that’s reflective of the chaotic Multiverse itself!
If you want to check out my work, you can download the 'Warped' demo for free!