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Hallo Lord Cambernon!

I'm glad you have been enjoying my game! :D
Many questions here, I'll do my best to answer them!

1 & 2. There is indeed, its related to your second question actually. It is also one of the missing achievements you're looking for.

3. Unfortunately not, there isn't a lot to see either. Its the farmhouse in Moo Moo Farm in MK64 though!

4. The huts are accessible, another achievement as well. I'd suggest looking carefully in that area. Try to avoid the beavers though... They aren't very friendly. The Scuttlebug island is accessible through the wizard, not sure why the wizard would only teleport you to once place though?

5. There is! They like the houses a lot but don't want to get too close, try checking outside the third one.

6. There is one I highly doubt you'll find. It is called "It's a secret to everyone", super secret achievement. The others shouldn't be too difficult though! Try finding my egg on the second island and talking to me. That is another achievement!

7. One ending only unlocks after collecting more than 75 hams, it is the only way to curb the king's appetite!

8. That would be telling ;)

9. The one where you can find my avatar is one, there are others if you look carefully. My favourite is if you stand in a spot for a while... another is if you clip out of bounds and enter a place with a friendly frog among not so friendly clowns.

Hope this helps! All the best, Scrib🥚

(1 edit)

Thanks alot Dude! Really appreciate it! Best on your future game endeavors! Also excited to play the Halloween one next year. Played the alpha and it was pretty good! Ps. didn't know you could no-clip, hmm.

Edit: Playing through again, and double searching everything (wizard works btw, I'm just dumb). Might have more questions later.

Alright, so. New Questions! Ask whenever you're available (Or don't, don't wanna bother ya too much man).

1. I didn't know the "V" button respawned me/regenerated the world. When this happens a "Teleporter" (I think?) appears near the entrance to the caves. Significance?

2. Can you get on the ship?

3. The floating and singing yellow orb that passes sometimes. What is it?

4. The boxes (specifically the humming tan one) on the Clown's island. Anything special with them (aside from the one's reference.

5. Purple monster dudes. What are they? And do they do anything?

6. Is there a way to get back to the first island from the second? In case I missed thing.

7. How many Keygens are there? I know atleast 6.

8. Are there more than 3 trials?

9. Is the cookie ending the actual secret ending. Or is there a real secret ending?

10. Is there a point to the dwarf lab?

11. Any way to get past the rat bouncers?

12. The meteor on the second Island, what it do?

13. Is there a way to get into the pigs pen?

14. Any way to meet the Mama Luigi?

15. Red ball in question mark pyramid?

16. Anything near Drillman?

17. Is there a way to actually buy the dev kit? Or am I getting punked by Ashton Kutcher?

18. The hole in the sky in.... well The Sky. Way to get in there?

19. Anything with The Hands in "The Sky".

20. The bottle in "The Sky", what it do?

21. Can I get past Kirby?

22. Flamingos?

23. Blue Sheep?

24. The invisible puzzle piece, meme?

25. Does the chat room or auditorium have anything important?

26. The colorful orbs in the sky on the second island, significance?

27. Egg-ship at spawn of island 2?

28. Anything in the vaporwave orb of interest?

29. What do those poles that come out of the ground on Island 2 do?

30. The Question Mark House Room.....what???

Now after finishing it for a second time. With regards to the previous questions.

6&9. Couldn't find ya. Hints?

8. .......please?

Other slightly related/unrelated questions:

1. How you doin'?

2. Been working at a grocery store and we've been putting out winter hams. Now all I think of is the ham sound effect when I see one XD

3. Is the Halloween one the official sequel, and if not will there be one?

4. Any other projects in the works?

5. Still working on this one?

6. Lots of secrets in Halloween one?

Sorry for some many questions once again. I'm just in love with this game right now. Amazing work dude! Keep up the good work! And best with your other endeavors in the future! 

Wow! Let's break these down

1. It's related to a project I am working on with a friend. It isn't out yet.

2. Nope, only there for King slander purposes

3. That is the spacetown orb! It's from my first game called "Scrib's Adventure"... I would recommend it but it isn't my best work

4. The humming one has a chance to send you to the clownrooms. The other bamboo one is just there to taunt you.

5. They just like to watch. Apparently they have names

6. Nope, you break the bridge on your way over. Shoddy craftsmanship if you ask me. (There will be in the last v2.0 update!)

7. there are 6!

8. nope

9.Nope the cookie ending is the secret one, other than the true end for 75 hams

10. Nope, let him cook 😎

11. Yes, but it is very difficult 

12. The crashed spacetown orb? Nothing, it crashed

13. No, that would be stealing

14. Sort of, if you find the way out of bounds

15. Red

16. Gutsman

17. If only there were enough keygens...

18. Something might fall out, careful with that one. It's one way.

19. They give you a big hand!

20. Sky water, don't drink this...

21. Yeah if you jump a lot. He doesn't like that very much though.

22. Flamingo! They have a nice pond. Best spot to sit, relax and do nothing for a bit if you ask me.

23. Blue sheep? He is purple? Some say he has a magic portal in his mouth.

24. meme

25. Hidden wall? Yep, I think so

26. They are refrigerated for your convenience 

27. It came from outer yolk! Nah it's a hot dog squid actually. Made of Chrome!

28. The marble? There is a ham in there

29. Speen! 

30. Glitched 

Aha, more questions!

My cube appears on the second island. V should probably do the trick.


1. Thanks for asking! I feel pretty egg shaped

2. Try replacing your brain ram. Sounds like it's borked

3. It's the sequel for now. If there is gonna be more of Eggular it would probably be something different.

4. Right now I'm working on Nyt-Net! The update is due by January at the latest. Then I'm working on the final update to Quantum Origination!

5. Yes, it's on hold for now though. Update probably after I'm done with QO

6. When it's done yeah! Not just now though


Once again, thanks sooo much man! Now I'll stop bothering with you and let you get back to you're things. Take it easy man, and may good fortune follow you!

No problemo friend! I hope my answers were helpful. Hope you're doing well and all the best!