Is there a way to save? Played through first day, then when I looked in the fridge, I clicked everything and pressed x/y but there was no way to stop looking at it so I quit.
Enjoying the art and dialogue! 28 jobs in 7 years is impressive. Would be great to have different directions for the sprite and a greater radius for picking certain things up, feels like I'm so wide but I can't pick things unless I'm directly in front of it. Maybe an indicator when something can be selected
The fridge page is clickable so you were supposed to click the X on the top right side of the page. You can save by interacting with the couch in Rody's apartment- first it'll give you an "lie down" or "look out the window" option. Choose to lie down then there will be a pop up that let you either save or end the day which would progress you to the next day.