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Thank you for the feedback! Constructive criticism is welcomed, as it allows us to shape our game into something that our community can and will enjoy! The demo game was intended to see what works and also to give the players a taste of what is to come. Our original idea was always to add another section to start off the game, which is why it begins with a banner declaring this as chapter 2 (admittedly a source of confusion) because this part of the game was intended to be set after your call to adventure. 

The plan was that the player would start off in an elven city where they would be introduced to a whole different set of characters before the inciting incident that led you to the start of this demo. However, we understand that a more immediate change may well be for the better! Save for a few minor changes and rewriting, another focus we have undertaken is experimenting with social systems and branching paths that would help add a more immersive experience to both.

Thus, changing the intro around will be a bit more time-consuming as we are currently learning to use the Bakin 3D engine. Thus, our time is shared with the RPG Maker Demo, as we still wish to flesh it out and make it stand out on its own. 

It is as you say, however, first impressions are important! And I believe you make a good point, and the scene might well be better served by moving it to another place and time in the story. Thus, we will make this a priority for this month.