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i am not jealous why would i be ????? such terrible level design and voice acting and also i am developer but i am making everything alone! do you think every negative comment is made because someone is jealous ..... How Dare you criticize my game 

don't you know we live in a Gaming Dictatorship more word against us and you are Game Over !


man, ive noticed you in ALL the comments these days, being insanely incredibly rude to a lot of devs while touting the fact that you made a "very special unique" game, that you simultaneously make excuses for why its such poor quality (and why it shouldnt get any criticism *at all*). maybe if you weren't so mean all the time, people would want to help you make better games. but as it stands, i can't imagine anyone looking at your black hole of negativity and wanting to get involved.

im sorry youre in such a hard place that this is what you have to do to feel better. seriously. ive been so internally angry and frustrated before that i wanted to just tear the world down. but all youre doin is burning yourself. i wish you the best my dude, and that you find the happiness you so desperately need. 


Well said


I  do freelance LD and I think his level design is fine for what he was trying to do for the game. also- doesent your game use "assets" in the form of ancient art? 

ego much?