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(1 edit)

For this early stage and low price of 2$: good game! Can recommend for traffic junkies like me :D

There are some bugs/oddities though:

  1. The last level "GIGA" just doesn't work for me: Some cars from top left (I think red) just drive straight down to bottom left flag, ignoring other roads. They block other cars and then it's impossible to succeed.
  2. Cars can get stuck for weird reasons, like 2 cars joining on a crossing from 2 different directions. They can bump into each other and drive side by side - on one lane! I couldn't even avoid this with traffic lights.
  3. No save feature! Yes, the hiscore is saved, but not your actual road network.
  4. The traffic lights seem easy to use at first, but once you have like 6 lights and want to adjust them all a tiny bit, it's a lot of clicks to do that.
  5. Placing lane arrows has some restrictions that are not intuitive. I'd like to have 2 arrows behind each other, but that's not allowed. Switching lanes is still a mystery to me (but it does work if you do it right).
  6. Bi-directional arrows work only when straight ahead is selected first. You can't first select "left" and then "straight ahead".
  7. Sometimes a car (or rather the starting arrow) shows a red "X" to say that it can't find the route  - but then you hover over it and finds a route.

Looking forward to returning to this game once there is more content!

Edit: Formatting.

Thank you :)

1. Yes unfortunately there are some differences with how the game runes on different systems so what works on one PC may not work on another. That said, Giga is way too hard so I've temporarily retired it in the latest update until I improve car AI.

2. Yeah I know that's frustrating. I will be spending time on improving the car AI so hopefully this doesn't happen as much.

3. Added in the recent update!

4. I've made improvents to this in the recent update. You can copy traffic light patterns and you can also cycle the pattern clockwise or anti-clockwise.

5. I am currently working on a better tutorial as I need to do a better job of teaching the player. Lane changing in particular lots of people find unintuitive so I'll put extra effort into that. Regarding signs, I want to keep the proximity restriction in place. Having too many signs close to eachother is extremely difficult to understand when you have larger road layouts and ends up just being messy.

6. Added in the recent update! You can add whatever arrowhead you want to any prexisting sign.

7. This one is a bit of a compromise. Finding a path for the car is currently quite laggy so I have it setup that it only check when you hover over the lane or press the start button. (I'll be improving this with future updates).

sounds good! I'll definitely check out the game every now and then to see what changed.