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A member registered May 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Unfortunately I don't think it's worth it for me to port gridroad to mobile, so sadly no plans to bring it to iOS/Android. Sorry to disappoint!

(The mobile market is too scary for me to risk it at the moment)

I agree that the sign makes more sense. But the issue I have is incorporating the extra signs into the current control scheme. I'm looking into changes/improvements to the merge system to give the player more control and I'll hopefully have an update with these changes coming within a month,

Very interested! I will likely look into porting to other platforms (switch/iOS etc.) once I'm done with the desktop release. So in the second half of the year.

Hey! I input a load of external Steam keys for my buyers and have had numerous reports of some buyers being unable to claim them.

I have had different reports varying from not seeing any sort of link/button to claim the key to being able to see the claim key button but nothing happening when it is clicked. When they contact support directly it seems you guys resolve the issue on your end but it seems to only fix it for the individual and not for everyone as a whole.

Is this a known bug? Have I done something wrong in the setup for the external keys? Is there an eta for when the problem will be fixed?


Get in touch with me somewhere: Discord, email etc. (I don't think there a way to dm on itch).

also, I'd suggest making a forum post or sending an email to support as well.

That's a little odd. The game has no DRM so perhaps that has something to do with it but I would've assumed Steam would uninstall the game first. Thanks for letting me know though ;)

If you have time, could you let me know what parts I did a bad job of explaining/teaching? Is the tutorial not good enough?

Perfect that's exactly what I wanted. Thank you

I don't know why you're arguing from a place of complete ignorance. Read the section on rules, number 4 and then please tell me the magic spell I can cast to make the world you want a reality.

Older builds should now be downloadable again for everyone who has already owns it.

Ah thank you, I was solely looking at options around the download area.

(6 edits)

I don't know who you're complaining about. Me, Steam or Itch.

This is what Steam says on checkout for most of the EU and as far as I can tell, every country with VAT outside of the US.

Trying to figure out a way to do this currently ;)

(1 edit)


I wanted to stop my game being sold on itch due to Steam's TOS. The only way I saw that it was possible through searching was by ticking the "hide this file and prevent it being downloaded" box by each of my downloads.

Now some existing players who have downloaded the game are complaining they cannot downloading it again. Is there a way to do this without allowing new people to download/buy the game?

(the only way I can see is to put the game back up for sale for a ridiculously high price so noone buys it)

I do not care if you "get" my standpoint. Steam's terms are Steam's terms. I'm not going to violate those terms because it makes you personally unhappy.

If you think I have misinterpreted the terms by all means correct me.

I will try to see if there's some way to keep the old itch builds available for owners, but I don't think there's a way I can do this without the issues you claim are irrelevant cropping up.

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It's complicated:

a. GridRoad will be taking advantage of Steam specific features such as steam leaderboards, so I can't continue with a non-steam version, which is why I have provided keys to everyone who purchased it.

b. Steam has a policy where I cannot undersell the game on any other storefront

c. Steam's prices are inclusive of any sales tax (if it says 4.99 you're going to pay 4.99)

d. Itch's prices are exclusive of sales tax (if it says 4.99 then you pay 4.99 PLUS any sales taxes from your country)

What this means is that the only way for me to have GridRoad Steam keys available for sale on itch is to overcharge them, deliberately charging a higher price so I don't violate Steams terms by undercutting their price. I don't want to overcharge anyone so I removed the game from sale. I think the only way to do this is to remove the builds from itch (they're still there but hidden).

This is my fault as I did not word the email properly (and I'm hesitant to send out another one as clarification because it's a little bit spammy)

You can only claim the Steam key if you purchased the game. Not if you got it for free.

if you bought GridRoad, it'll be in the same place you download the game from on

If you got it for free you unfortunately don't get the Steam key.

if you bought GridRoad, it'll be in the same place you download the game from on

If you got it for free you unfortunately don't get the Steam key.

Yes! It's early access so it's being updated constantly. I expect to have achievements in the game within a month.

I'm very interested by what you might find! How does the text file help? Surely you can't just feed the file to the machine learning algorithm and expect it to learn?

Good luck!

I always appreciate feedback thanks!

1. I'm not sure what you mean by "coloured traffic lights arrows"? Do you mean you can't tell if the traffic light is green or red when cars are under the traffic light?

If so, I'll try to come up with something to make it more obvious.

2. Good point, I'll try to add an option to minimise the final report window soon.

3. I'll be redoing the map save system soon, I'll try to include scores where appropriate.

4. Coming very soon in the Steam version! (either in the first steam release or the first steam update depending on how quickly I can work)

5.  Regarding the traffic light weirdness: That's an extremely strange circumstance that I haven't heard of/seen before. I'll look into it and try to fix it asap. Thank you for the report.

In regards to the general crashiness of the cars I am very conflicted at the moment. For me, I find it very odd that people are requesting the cars should be more crashy as it's the opposite of what I expected. I'm kind've stuck between what I think should be done to make the game more fun and what players are telling me. 


I'm soon to be releasing my game on steam and would like to give all of the people who have purchased it on itch a steam key.

My issue is that I had a "free for a day" promotion where anyone could download the game. Around 1500 people downloaded it and I don't wish to give them keys. Is there any way to do this?

Bonus question: How exactly does claiming an external key work if you've already bought a game. For example, say I bought a game without an account, where would you go to get Steam key?

Thank you

(1 edit)

You've made me curious now :D

What are you using machine learning for?

No, but I can try to include one in the next update if that's something you'd be interested in?

(The game's discord is a good place to get help in the meantime)

It's safe. I make the unity builds on a fresh computer and upload them directly to

If you're unsure you can wait for the Steam version which will be out in a week and a half.

Thanks so much!

There's two things that I will be implementing soon to help with the issue you're having:

1. When you hover over a segment of a traffic wheel all the traffic lights on the map will change colour to the highlights phase. (This was suggested by someone in the discord)

2. Something similar to what you're suggesting. Either exactly as you describe it or a button that overlays a smaller version of the traffic wheel over each tile with a traffic light.

lol, there's not much I can do about battery drainage! Glad it's working well for you

It's a delicate balance. I can't make the car AI too stupid or it will make more complicated levels near impossible. Those earlier levels are intended to be easier.

Cheers buddy!

Linux build up now!

It was updated on, you have to redownload it one itch to get the new update. The steam early access release is just around the corner though, I'm just waiting for Valve's approval then the Steam page will be up and release will come 2 weeks after that.

I'll get a build out with the next update (it will be a smaller bugfix update coming out in the next couple of days).

 Unfortunately, there are simulation differences between OS's so the developer scores may be innacurate.

(Also I've heard from several people successfully running the game on linux through Wine if you don't want to wait)

Language support is probably ~3+ months away. However, I will be improving the tutorial soon and it will be mostly visual and the rest of the game has very little text.

Sorry to disappoint but I'm working on this independently so I don't yet have the funds for localisation.

Hey sorry for the late reply, like Anton said below, you're missing a couple of turning arrows:

Experimental mac build is out now folks. I don't have a mac so I can't test it myself but I should hopefully be getting feedback from some mac users soon.

Thanks a load :)

Hey Peter, if your willing to test a mac release could you please join the discord and send me a dm please.

My issue with give way lines is that it would be a little overpowered in the context of the game.

When you complete/fail a level there's an exit button, a retry button in the middle and a next level button.

you want to hit the retry button in the middle.

Thank you :)

1. Yes unfortunately there are some differences with how the game runes on different systems so what works on one PC may not work on another. That said, Giga is way too hard so I've temporarily retired it in the latest update until I improve car AI.

2. Yeah I know that's frustrating. I will be spending time on improving the car AI so hopefully this doesn't happen as much.

3. Added in the recent update!

4. I've made improvents to this in the recent update. You can copy traffic light patterns and you can also cycle the pattern clockwise or anti-clockwise.

5. I am currently working on a better tutorial as I need to do a better job of teaching the player. Lane changing in particular lots of people find unintuitive so I'll put extra effort into that. Regarding signs, I want to keep the proximity restriction in place. Having too many signs close to eachother is extremely difficult to understand when you have larger road layouts and ends up just being messy.

6. Added in the recent update! You can add whatever arrowhead you want to any prexisting sign.

7. This one is a bit of a compromise. Finding a path for the car is currently quite laggy so I have it setup that it only check when you hover over the lane or press the start button. (I'll be improving this with future updates).