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I also got completely stymied on the courthouse--Bennett wouldn't let me into the records room, and there didn't seem to be anything I could interact with otherwise, there or at the other locations. I tried sneaking around the building, but couldn't.

I liked the prose of what I read, unfortunately I just had some trouble getting around and couldn't proceed.

Sorry for the trouble. To get into the Records Room, talk to the guard about both conversation topics. Once inside, search the "bound legal documents" for the will report and then search the file cabinets for the raid report. That's it.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you! I managed to get to the ending. The back half, when you get inside the house, was pretty strong. The puzzles had a nice urgency to them without being unfairly difficult, and the reason behind the haunting was delightfully creepy. Also I enjoyed the sort of... mild jump scare? moment at the church.

A couple of bugs that I noted:

  • In the storage room, the parser seemed to struggle with the locked door--kept getting the message "Which do you mean, the sturdy door or the side door?" which would loop if I tried to specify.
  • When I died in the master bedroom, the game softlocked/went to a blank screen instead of a game over, and I had to manually restart.

Awesome! Thanks for the bug report!