i played through the update from 5 hours ago as of this writing (version 33). you already know i had a blast, although i am not experience in soulslike. in fact, i don't think i know of any soulslike with a camera such as this. it's very fun, but it takes a while to get the hang of the controls right.
here are my thoughts in chronological order. i've fucked around in the north road a bit. i needed to cheese the red guys in tight corridors otherwise they'd beat me to death. i was unable to successfully return the sheep.
>game opened on my 2nd monitor. this is the first game that did that in forever. no clue what's up with that. wasn't a big deal, just unusual.
>set subtitles to on in the options menu. no clue if they're actually on, since it's just a box with no "tick" or checkmark in it. i assume it's on?
>a lot of audiosources have scene-wide radii. very noticeable with the tutorial guard cheering you on towards victory, and the blacksmith/horses in the camp. the guy was fine, but the blacksmith can get a bit grating, especially when you have such a nice soundtrack playing. i want him to die so i stop getting my music interrupted.
>the bloodsplatter effect is really, really nice. well done.
>ESC isn't the main menu key? for what purpose?
>mouse cursor disappears (sometimes?) when opening the inventory, and sometimes when placing items in inventory slots. resetting fixed this, so not a major issue.
>the guy in the spawn arena doesn't die when his health drops to 0. makes sense lore-wise, but he can still hit me! he should deaggro when defeated.
>the centurion doesnt have a voice, and it turns out the subtitles were off! so i was very confused as to where to get the key from, until i reset subs and talked to him again. i think subs should be on by default (and untoggleable!) until you get all the major questgives a voice.
>it's dark out! this is fine, but the minimap shouldn't be affected by the world lighting. it's supposed to be a map, after all. just set that camera to ignore the scene light or something like that, so i can still orient myself a bit in the dark
>those red guys are no fucking joke. they can also rotate in the middle of their power attacks (and even if they're finished with the animation - ie they extended their sword forward and are current not moving, the collider of the sword will still damage you ! very deadly)
>explored a bit, played for about 45mins. could use a bit more save spots in the early game, especially considering the first bit is a gauntlet, with many guys outside the camp, and many guys in the north road camps. i wouldn't mind a save outside the north road camp, for example.
i suck at these games, so take my gameplay thoughts with a massive grain of salt.
either way, excellent work. with some polish, you will have something very enjoyable on your hands. eager to see how it develops, and i will gladly see you next DD.