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yeah you fucking won with this one. you know i love it so i'll stick with what's new (to me) and some minor thoughts. you can assume everything else is perfect. i will purchase this day 1.

i have made it to ~13000 points 3 times, and i paused to write this, i'll play more after.

>one of your enemies is a yorp from commander keen! very cute. he likes pushing me into walls, the bastard.

>line of sight is kinda weird. unsure how i feel about it. the only time it had any effect was the special maze/dungeon level, but otherwise it felt like an annoyance. even writing this now i'm unsure of how i feel about it.

>craters is a very fun gimmick, so is the special maze level. for that level, i'd consider doing more with the "dungeon" aspect. perhaps a room can have a random chance to just have a gun spawned (and that isn't dragged to the end portal on level end?)

>if a currency is on the ground when the portal appears, it shouldn't disappear, and should instead be allowed to be picked up. maybe this is me, but when the portal appears my eyes are drawn to the moving gun objects, which are permanent, instead of the static currency which will expire soon.

>new enemy designs and visuals are spot on. i like the circling dog-things, but all of them were cool. there were plenty i never saw before, and they fit perfectly

>i'd like more "gun mod shrines" if possible. i have a great control over my stats due to the level-up system, but guns are really RNG. sometimes i get a cool gun, sometimes i dont. the shop might have this, but then i don't want to waste a level on just shopping - i want to shoot stuff! i ended up going to any level thats marked with +% gun drop rate because of this. this is especially important to me since one of the most fun parts was always "look at this stupid fucking gun, it's got the silliest fucking mods, i'm going to use it". a gun shrine helps add a guaranteed feeling like this, especially if a run hasn't had any interesting drops.

>i often get shield specialist as a level up choice. too often. i don't particularly like shields, even! 

>the new music kicks ass. many were sort of upbeat and techno-y. i liked them a lot. one of the random levels (from a "random" level event, so i can't specify which) had a very nice track. if i stumble into it again, i'll report back the level name.

>some guns (like the super shotgun or faust) have a very long windup time. it might benefit from a timer or some information to let the player know it's charging up. i can imagine some confusion, especially with faust.

excellent work overall. you will be a very happy dev once this hits steam.

Thank you so much. Really glad to hear you like the new additions and changes.

one of your enemies is a yorp from commander keen! very cute. he likes pushing me into walls, the bastard.

Hehe yeah I think the inspiration for that one is pretty clear if you've played Keen.

line of sight is kinda weird. unsure how i feel about it.

I wouldn't really call it line of sight, walls and stuff won't occlude your vision but levels have different amounts of light and affect how far you can see. Other light sources can let you see further. So yeah it shouldn't really be noticeable except for the dungeon levels right now, but for regular levels I don't think I've changed how it works for several versions.

i'd consider doing more with the "dungeon" aspect. perhaps a room can have a random chance to just have a gun spawned (and that isn't dragged to the end portal on level end?)

I do agree something like that would be interesting and fun. I'm just being careful about adding things like that because the game isn't really about exploration, and you know if I carelessly add something that you have to search a level to find it'll change the dynamic of the game because if you can find something like that there what's to say there isn't stuff hidden in all other levels? I just don't want players running around empty maps looking for things, kinda like when you realize there are secret doors in Wolfenstein3D and you start humping every wall just to find them.

Maybe I'll put a chest visible on the radar or something. And if you open it it spawns a bunch of enemies too hehehe.

runes shouldn't disappear when the portal is up

Yeah I don't see why not, I've changed it.

i'd like more "gun mod shrines" if possible...

I need to do a gun pass and improve a bunch of things about them and have more possibilities like "look at this stupid fucking gun, it's got the silliest fucking mods, i'm going to use it" yeah. I've been thinking if I should remove rest sites and shops etc. and attach them to the end/start of regular levels instead. Or make the "overworld" longer and have more types of non-combat onces. I'm leaning on the first option, what do you think?

i often get shield specialist as a level up choice. too often. i don't particularly like shields, even!

I think I'm gonna fudge the numbers a bit for the random skills. But hey there's always re-rolling!

some guns (like the super shotgun or faust) have a very long windup time. it might benefit from a timer or some information

Yeah I know, I haven't really figured out how I wanna go about it yet.

>I've been thinking if I should remove rest sites and shops etc. and attach them to the end/start of regular levels instead.

the bad feel i have with the current shop system is that if i have the option between "shop" and "shoot", i'll always pick shoot.

perhaps have the shop ALWAYS be every third level, and you can pick between shop and shrine.

having it be at the end of every level is too much, and having it at the end of every n'th level is basically what i outlined above but it's communicated to the player easily on the world map. 


Oh I didn't mean to have it after every level, but like a modifier for some like the gun cache.

But in the end it might just be best to have them at set points.