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(1 edit)

So far I really like this game. I think it could use some music but other than that the visuals and sound design is pretty good. I am also very glad that you give an explanation for what the controls are and the use of the crank overall feels great.

I will say that the explanation for how "slow" a clock is, isn't really clear to me. It would be nice if there was a piece of dialogue that helped to explain more what 24 hour time is and what it means for a clock to be slow.

I would love if there are some other mechanics like completing a certain number of clocks within a time period and ending a shift and maybe even having a story to go along with it where the clock owner tells you to do all these different things and then adds mechanics on top of it. Maybe there could even be clocks that have more than 24 hours or less than 24 hours maybe there's a clock that has AM PM and a new time for some reason. Maybe you have to adjust a digital clock based off of an analog clock. Overall I think there's a lot of ideas that can still be explored with this game if you decide to continue making it.


Totally agree about the explanation of slow time and making it clearer to understand.  Lots to fix and polish after the jam voting. I've got a few ideas to expand the game and I also like your suggestions so I'll add them to the mix,  thanks.