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A member registered Apr 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey sorry to say but the Playdate tag are for games that are created for the game console made by Panic which is called the "Playdate". If you would be able to remove that tag from your game that would be great. Thank you!

Hey sorry to say but the Playdate tag are for games that are created for the game console made by Panic which is called the "Playdate". If you would be able to remove that tag from your game that would be great. Thank you

Hey sorry to say but the Playdate tag are for games that are created for the game console made by Panic which is called the "Playdate". If you would be able to remove that tag from your game that would be great. Thank you!

Hey sorry to say but the Playdate tag are for games that are created for the game console made by Panic which is called the "Playdate". If you would be able to remove that tag from your game that would be great. Thank you!

Hey sorry to say but the Playdate tag are for games that are created for the game console made by Panic which is called the "Playdate". If you would be able to remove that tag from your game  Freedom boat that would be great. Thank you!

Hey sorry to say but the Playdate tag are for games that are created for the game console made by Panic which is called the "Playdate". If you would be able to remove that tag from your game  Freedom boat that would be great. Thank you!

thank you for the clarification! And it is lovely ♥️

thank you! :)

Hey sorry to say but the Playdate tag is for games that are created for the game console made by Panic which is called the "Playdate". If you would be able to remove that tag that would be great. Thank you!

thank you for making some corrections on the guide ♥️

Hello. I may have found an error but I'm not sure. Are the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floor keys supposed to be in Catalan?

Just wanted to let you know that I completed making a guide for  your game! If there are any sections in which you want to change or edit you can easily do so on the Playdate Wiki here.

Hey sorry to say but the Playdate tag is for games that are created for the game console made by Panic which is called the "Playdate". If you would be able to remove that tag that would be great. Thank you!

hey did you get permission from the original creator to make this game?

Hey sorry to say but the Playdate tag is for games that are created for the game console made by Panic which is called the "Playdate". If you would be able to remove that tag that would be great. Thank you!

Thanks for replying!

- makes sense why you chose not to use A and 
- Makes sense for no tutorial as well.
- It's interesting that having the hand slap everything would be such an issue of balance. It's cool to understand why that didn't work.
- Understandable that you didn't add a leaderboard to the Jam. I still think it would be a nice feature to have in a future iteration!

Thank you again for responding and I'm happy to have learned more about this game! :)

Hey this game isn't a playdate game. would you mind removing the "Playdate" tag as that is used for games made for the Playdate console. Thank you!

I'm glad that my suggestions could be helpful to you! I wish you the best on your future projects! <3

(1 edit)

Overall I really liked the concept for this game and I really like how their little missions that you can do while you're playing this game as well. I think the dialogue for the game was overall pretty good and so was some of the sound design.

- the one thing I would really like to see changed from this game is to have the timer pause when a text box is opened. Reading the text and playing the game for the first time and realizing that the timer is still counting down feels really punishing at times. Maybe even if you don't want to pause the time or completely maybe it could count down slower instead.
- I did feel that the rain particles were a bit too simplistic and also felt too heavily used.
- in the throne room I would have liked to see more pixel art or details in different places. For example there could be some candle holders or even candle chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to the left and the right of the carpet sorted in the middle of the floor to give the throne room some depth. 
- when the character dies it would be nice to have some sort of screen to return to the main menu to then restart the game over. Having to fully exit the game and re-enter it is really not preferred for a majority of games. It takes the player out of the experience and may make them not want to play it again.
- I appreciate in the beginning the player has a choice to skip the text using a crank. However further on in the game the player is unable to do that. It would be nice if you were able to update the game to include that for all dialogue options as it really is the fastest way to move through the text.
- for the lightning it would have been nice if you reverse the textures of the rain particles while the lightning happened. I think in the throne room having the lightning as it is is good but I think especially over the river or Bridges it would be nice if you inverse the texture for just a little bit to show the lightning. It would also be cool if you would inverse the textures for the entire screen as well (when not inside the throne room)
- it would be nice to have a restart button from the pause menu screen. This could allow the player to quickly restart their game especially if they miss something on one of the first days.

Again, I really enjoyed the concept and the story for this game and think that this game shows great promise. Right now it just needs a little bit more polish to make it shine.

(3 edits)

Also apologies for this late reply I just wanted to give some suggestions and critiques because I have given it to every other game and this is one of the few that I hadn't. So here they are.

- I found that some of the "enemies" would spawn almost on top of the character and I had a bit of confusion figuring out what I needed to do with them. After looking at the instructions and understanding that down on the d-pad would slap things closer to the body I understood the instructions a little more. I still feel that having enemies spawn in or on top of the body should be avoided.
- I really like the almost clock looking text that you put in the game however for readability I felt that it was a little bit small for on hardware. This is especially noticeable in the credits where to me it almost looks like just a jumble of symbols. It may just have to do with how fat the text is and how small it is as well.
- I think that the control scheme for the game is pretty good especially since you're making it so that the player doesn't need to press the A and B button. However I think that the A & B buttons could be used in this game to switch arms. I think it could be nice to have B be the left arm and A be the right arm. Oftentimes I felt confused trying to switch between the two arms because of everything that was on screen and the fast-paced nature of the game. 
- it would be nice to have a tutorial for this game but I also understand that it could take a lot of work that may not even be necessary. I think it would be nice to have the player go through the motions of moving the left and the right arm and slapping towards the body and away from the body.
- I think that it would be nice for the hands to have its own force field in a way where it would automatically slap away items that hit the hand without needing to stretch or slap towards the body.
- as with any arcade game I think having a high scoreboard would be really nice.
- I wonder if this game would have a possibility of a level system or this game really is only suited for an arcade type game. Maybe some possible levels could include different characters like a kid having to get up for school and the mom trying to wake the kid up. Or even an adult who needs to get ready to go to work but also doesn't want to get up. Maybe even a fireman who has to get up when the fire Bell rings for the firehouse. Maybe there could even be strategy to get up at a specific time. 

One question I did have is if there is an ending to this game or not. As I was not able to get too far into the night yet.

Overall this is a great game and this is one of the few that I'm going to keep downloaded on my device because of how fun of an arcade game it is. Thank you for all the work that you put into it.

(2 edits)

I think overall that this is a cute adventure game. I really like the concept of having to do everything on your bucket list before your time is up. I think that the best part of this game was the dialog and I would love to see more of that in the future.

- I would love to see a bit more art to the world. Possibly trees, pathways, benches stuff like that.
- it would be nice if some of the bugs were fixed such as talking to characters multiple times causing issues for the bucket list. The timer counting down shows 60 seconds instead of 00 seconds.
- it would be interesting if there were other things to do besides what's on the bucket list such as going on a ferris wheel ride or going into a petting zoo. I can just see that this concept could have a lot of expansion to it.
- I do find it really funny that the game does crash when you choose the option to not complete your bucket list. I know that is totally unintended but it was just pretty funny.

Overall a great little game and I hope some improvements are made to make it an even better game.

(2 edits)

I definitely find this escape room game to be interesting and I think that this game does have promise. I am glad that when the player is reading a text bubble the timer does not continue counting, this gives the player less anxiety in the game and I am glad you added this. I really like the concept of being a secret agent in a room trying to escape from a bomb.

- My main issue with the game is that the time limit as extra tension and anxiety due to the controls not being as fast or intuitive as I would like. I do think that a time limit could work especially given the theme of the game. But due to the controls and some of the text bubbles feeling slow or clunky it added an unnecessary level of anxiety.
- I felt that the cranking to input the number was a little bit confusing as were the directions to do so. Making the number randomized it seemed every time I did one revolution of the crank didn't make much sense to me. I would have rather had it where the crank was separated into 10 sections each with its own number. I feel that this would have gone much quicker especially in an environment where you are timed.
- I found it annoying every time I went to the next number to input it the little text blurb came up every single time. Away this could possibly be fixed is if the player selected the area for numbers and then could just use the directional pad to move to the next number in the series and also even to change the number if needed. The player could then press the A or B button to exit or confirm the number.
- one thing I felt didn't work as well was the perspective of the room, I think it would have been nicer to have a perspective more similar to the Rusty lake series where the room rectangle or square fills the screen and the perspective lines are minimal. I also think it would be nice to add more details to the corners of the room just to give more to the overall visuals of the game.
- I did find it a little frustrating that every time that the magnifying glass covered over and interactable object it would automatically open the text bubble. It would be nice if there was some other indication to tell the player that the object was interactable and that the player could then press a to interact with it. 
- I felt that the magnifying glass move speed was a little bit slow but I understand that this is also an issue with pulp in general.
- As for the number that needed to be entered. I felt it was a lot to enter and maybe the area code could have been removed to make it easier to do.

Overall I was happy to play your game and I am excited to play more escape room type games in the future.

(1 edit)

Review: I found this to be a nice and enjoyable platformer and I could definitely see in the future if you continue making levels for this game that the levels would be fun to go through and enjoyable. I would love to see what other mechanics you could add to the game to increase the difficulty and variety in each level.

- with how easy the levels were it would have been nice to possibly see the water rise quicker or even have more platforming challenges.
- in the future it would be nice to see some sort of death animation for the mouse such as jumping up and little worry sweats on the head and then falling down to the bottom of the screen.

Overall great work and I hope to see more from this project.

sorry for the late reply but I've gotten your game up and running on hardware! 

It's unfortunate this can't be played on device currently. Please keep us updated if you can create a build for it that can! I'm sure PossiblyAxolotl would be understanding and possibly let you post it again to have a working file.

(1 edit)

This seems to be a fun little shooting games where you have to hit the enemies before they reach you. The use of the crank is really fluid and I think really well done. The game seems to have struggles when new enemies come in and also when the player spam fires as well. I do like the idea that more and more enemies spawn and the player isn't able to deal with them all, I'm not entirely sure if this is what you were going for with this game but either way it is still an interesting idea.

- there seems to be some performance issues when a lot of enemies are being spawned in to the game.
- I appreciate the use of screen shake but think that there could also be some side to side along with up and down screen shake.
- I feel that the death screen needs to possibly have a different button to the firing button because as it is right now when I die I will just immediately go back into a new game because I was trying to fire at an enemy.

Overall great work and I hope to see some improvements from this game in the future!

This is a pretty creative game that has a lot of different mechanics going for it. I like how there are a bunch of different effects to the hourglass to affect the gameplay.

- I feel that the file size for the game is pretty large for what the game is itself. I would expect this game to be less than 10 MB and it is currently 46 MB on the playdate.
- as someone else mentioned. The game can be cheesed by spinning the crank super fast.
- It would be cool if the player could earn more points the closer to all the sand falling out that they are. This would add an extra level of skill to the game.
- It could be interesting to add more effects such as Draining faster, or the screen going dark or the hour glass clouding up so that you're unsure where the hourglass is (might be too unfair for the player). 

Overall great work and an excellent use of the crank.

I really love the creativity involved with this game and think that it has a lot of potential. I also do think that the game does increase with difficulty as it goes in. I love that while playing, your past self actually gets in the way of you completing the mission and the end goal of winning. I think that the current character design and story is really great and I can see potential for even more in a full game.

- I think one main point that I would have liked to see is more creative bosses to capture. Capturing the same spider over and over again gets a little old after a while. I do understand that it would be difficult to make multiple character sheets and sprites but I personally would have preferred a few levels and then waited for more content.
- With moving the fly with the Dpad, I could really see that this game could use the crank to move and could even have more fun with it too! For example if you really wanted to push your past self out of the way you could crank faster to do so.
- For a full game with multiple enemies to capture it would be cool to have a scrap book of all the bugs you've captured. This would be great so that you could look back at all the excellent storytelling you did with the case files!
- It would be nice to have a "Restart" button on the menu screen. And also a button that could be used to return to the top menu of the game.
- If there are multiple levels in the next game it could be nice to have a level select on the menu for the game.

Again, you have a wonderful little game that has  great artwork and story. I can see this game getting a lot more polish and fun content. Thank you for your submission!

Definently an interesting arcade game. I appreciate how the player has to put the inputs in faster and faster. I loved the animations and art style and thought that overall it looked really nice. The gameplay is overall solid but sometimes feels difficult due to the dpad being difficult to push buttons so fast.

- It would be nice to see a previous high score list 
- I would also like to see a title screen for the game instead of jumping right into the gameplay.
- Sometimes I felt that the darkness of what button to press was not dark enough to tell right away what button needed pressed. I also felt that the buttons where a bit small.
- for the (what I assume to be distance or time from supernova) bar, it would be nice if that was textured in some way, possibly like a steampunk gauge or something to give it some style
- It would be nice to have a little blurb on a possible story. but it isn't entirely needed.

Overall excellent work!!

I'm glad I could provide some suggestions! and yeah I agree that minigames would have taken a lot of time to develop for the game jam. I still think this game is still really well polished.

(1 edit)

I had difficulty really understanding what I was meant to do this in this game. I think the concept of building a gear box is cool but besides that and connecting it to the bell gears, I didn’t really understand what was meant to be done here. I do think your usage of gears and how they couldn’t form a locking pair was well implemented. I also didn’t really understand what the 4, 5, and 6 sprocket gears were supposed to do, I assume it had something with increasing or decreasing the speed and torque?

- this game really could use a tutorial or some kind of information to let the player know how to play and what the end objective is. 
- The game also does not run well on hardware and needs some improvements there to have it run more smoothly. As others have said it’s likely an issue with the physics simulations.
- Without really knowing the goal of the game I would say that it would be nice to have different levels to complete. I do think you put in a good bit of work with randomizing the levels.
- I feel that it is tedious to pick and choose each gear. Maybe there could be a level editing mode that allows the player to select what gears they want with the crank and the options could be highlighted using the bottom existing row. Once leaving editor mode the player could then turn all the gears.

Overall I would be happy to play this game in the future if the game could get some overhauls to what is currently there. I think the game you currently have shows great promise and I hope to see more from you :)

(1 edit)

Definently a fun and creative little game. I like how the character is technically able to skip in line slightly. It would be funny if the player was able to do this for the entire line.

- I sometimes found the text bubbles to disappear too fast before I could read them. It would be nice for them to linger just a little bit longer before they disappeared.
- I felt like the ending the player could have used the directional pad or the crank to advance the little comic strip.
- it would be fun if there were little minigames that the player could play to pass the time while standing in line. Such as trying to balance a ball, but the player could lose the ball and if they go after it they would have to step out of line and then get back in the back. Alternatively someone could be kind enough to give them back their ball. Also with minigames it would be funny if the player got so engrossed in them that the line then moved forward and people started to pass you in line.

Overall a great little experience that wasted my time (much like many lines do), Great work overall and I know the wait was worth it!

I would have also liked to see the player character having more movement like tapping their foot or just being impatient in general.

(1 edit)

Definitely think this is a fun little arcade game. I think overall the game could easily be expanded with more levels and maybe even more goals and quests to achieve.

- Collecting the chess pieces in order feels a little confusing and I would feel that it would be better if the player could collect them in any order. But I do like the challenge of collecting them in order. Maybe there could be a clearer way to tell what order to collect. For example the piece could flash to know what would be collected next.
- I feel that evading death can sometimes be too easy when you aren’t collecting anything. I was able to continuously juke Death around a building by just circling the building and changing direction when I noticed Death was coming towards me. 
- I wonder if there could be a hard game mode where the player has a limited field of view making it so that the player couldn’t see a certain distance from them. This could definitely make the game more challenging. 

Overall great work and I can’t wait to maybe play some more!!

Edit: Could also be interesting to have a game mode where the player is continuously walking in one direction and isn’t able to stop. Kinda like in snake

This was a fun little arcade like game that overall was fun to play!

- I feel like there needs to be some more indication about how the player needs to turn their console into a different orientation.
- it would be nice if there was a system that kept your highest score.
- There is nothing telling the player to "Use the Crank"
- It would be nice to have a mode that lets the player go for as long as possible, either with multiple lives or one single life.

Overall great work!

This game was super impressive. I found the platforming to be really fun and overall the levels have some decent difficulty but the concept wasn't too hard to understand. I really could see this turning into a full game and I would be happy to see it as one too because of how impressive I found it. I also liked how this felt different from other games that had the time travel mechanics where your past self does specific things.

- having a level select would be nice
- having a small tutorial or info screen about what each button does along with how the game works. I didn't fully understand until I started playing that you could turn to stone and would turn to stone when the time ran out.
- level variety, I would love to see more level variety and mechanics. One could be that water doesn't make you jump as easy. Or enemies that are trying to chase after you. pressing down on buttons and holding it after you turn to stone.
- story, I would love to see some story about how you're a sentient block of concrete. 

The game had a fun concept and it is definently enjoyable to play. I do think that it feels like it could have some improvements with how the player moves and plays the game. The time limit of 60 seconds also feels like a long period of time for this game.

- It would be nice to see the player dot being able to wrap around the top and bottom of the screen so that the player had more freedom to move.
- I would love to see some type of animation between each barrier so that it wasn't so sudden when the player clears a barrier.
- I almost feel that the timer is unnecessary (although I understand that for this gamejam it is necessary). It would be nice to see a gamemode that was "Survive as long as possible".

I totally understand your concern with wanting to make it so the player can't easily delete their save files. I still think deleting the save files is out of the way enough that the usual player will not delete their files. 

I do like the idea of making your own music although my first impression of it was that it was a strange heart monitor and I didn't fully understand how to do it. In this format of game I probably would have liked to see the player listening to the character humming their own music that was premade but the player could decide to hum or not by pressing the A button.

I just thought of another suggestion could be moving platforms once you start getting a higher score. Really any classic elements to a doodle jump like game could work. Examples, springs, enemies, moving platforms.

Overall I found this to be a nice little arcade game. I found the concept pretty nice and I like how you really were forced to switch between the scythe and making sure none of the ghosts escaped with the control scheme you used. I also like how it took considerable effort (full turn of the crank) to slice at humans, it made the gameplay more strategic. I also found the punching sounds to be pretty funny.

Suggestions and critiques
- I felt that it was a little difficult to understand when a ghost could be “base dropped” (destroyed with sound). I also didn’t think multiple ghosts could be destroyed but found if they overlapped enough they could
- It would be nice to have more enemy varieties. Possibly one that rushed death, slower and faster moving ghosts. Maybe even an enemy that would approach death and run away and you could get extra points getting them. Maybe even having an enemy that you’d want to avoid killing because “it isn’t their time yet”.

Overall great little arcade game and great work!