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Not really sure if I should mention this or where, but you can go into the walls by clipping into the corners, if you want to replicate this pretty much just jump at the crack in the far left wall until you clip through(I tried to get a video of it, but for some reason obs records the game specifically at like 1 fps)


Our first bug report, truly a momentus occasion - thank you!
I'd actually found this one already, and I know for a fact you were deliberately bug hunting to find it which I'm super grateful for. 
It's a result of the polygon collider I'm using paired with some interesting physics implementation.
I think I'm gonna move away from tilesets in the next build, which is a shame cause I actually really like this bug lmao

Less bug hunting, more I just like breaking games and it looked like you could jump around the left wall to get out of the map (Maybe I just do bug hunting naturally)

there is a lot more goof than that lol