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1. it'd be a bit of work, but giving the bot different dialogue types would be nice. like you can make them bratty, more submissive, or even really excited, etc. so that during sex scenes they can giggle and blush, or give a little frown and tease you. maybe only during sex scenes, so it's less coding, and more situational, since you've done all the dialogue already.

2. maybe give the option to have the sections where the arms and legs connect be seamless without the lines of each piece to look more human. it'd take away from the whole "bot" thing, but at least you'd have the option to switch it on.

3. idk if it exists, but maybe after you connect with the bot enough, and have enough sexual encounters or enough ml of fluid in her, there's a chance of waking up to her on top of you, or a sex scene starting where she can't contain herself. maybe even an ending where if you deny her advances like, 10 times she gets fed up and yells at you or something and leaves.

4. a gallery where you don't spend money, but use ml of cum you've put inside the bot as currency to buy "sandbox" versions of the scene. like, put 250 ml in her mouth to unlock an endless mode where you can freely finish as many times as you want, and choose her level of "love" so it's like when you first start or when you gain enough love from her to max. maybe have pictures drawn by fans from patreon for 20 ml each?

5. this is just because it's funny, but have positions where you need something like 4 arms so she can go octopus mode on you lol 


for 1. maybe have the ability to buy personality chips or something like that online or from some sort of black market with like a dominant chip for example more likely to have different dialogue and take control during sex scenes. she could ignore you asking her to not let you cum or deny you asking to cum, or take control during missionary and doggy by transitioning to amazon and reverse cowgirl respectively for example.


that sounds pretty nice, ooooooh there can even be an ending where you try to remove her chip and she gets too dominant and fights back, accidentally killing you or something o,o bro so many things.....also WHAT ABOUT OCTOPUS MODE??? lolol


YES!! make a scene with footjob or stomping with the domination chip because that makes the most sense also.