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Thanks for playing! I'm really glad you liked it!

Yeah, the lack of a map is a recurring feedback... But it's already on my to-do list to implement before the game is released!

As for more branching paths, the problem is that the maze is generated randomly, so in some runs there will be more branches, and in others fewer... But although generally the initial path is quite linear, if you advance by a certain amount of rooms, there will be enough branches to get lost for a moment!

Thanks for the tip about this chess variant (fairy chess), I didn't know about it! Pretty crazy by the way! Isn't regular chess hard enough? LoL xD

Although it's an interesting idea to add more variation to the game, I believe I'll just keep the classic chess pieces, because they're the ones most people are familiar with, and if I need more variation I'll make some kind of upgrade to the existing pieces.

One thing I'm going to do to add content to the game is create some bosses with unique mechanics throughout the maze.

Anyway, thank you very much for the feedback! Make sure to add it to your Steam wishlist! =)