the princess transformation is currently only featured in version 0.5! youd have to join our patreon in order to find it!
mat racoon: beat gethra in challenge 1, speak to matthias afterwards and discuss the challenge. he will offer you an alliance, at which point, you should pull away.
draconoclaste courtswap: befriend Reese and allow him to perform hypnosis on you. if you are submissive enough towards him, marked, and he has enough influence, he will initiate the court swap. there are 3 variations depending on the gendered pairings between lewis and reese. (draconoclaste quill will show up during lewises draconoclaste courtswap flashback)
poodalist courtswap: genuinely romance Rhianna through her dialogue tree, then when you make your romantic advance, she will ask if youd like to join her court. if you agree, return to her later when you are marked and have at least 3 influence. if she also has 3 influence, you will both go half and half on the tf. if she doesnt have any influence, you may pay for the full 6 instead.