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ok so this is going to be a small bit of rant about somthing that seemed very wierd to me, (a hefty amount of spoilers ahead so dont read if you havent done the tate route yet)

so in the part when tates wyvern gets stolen by the wild furs we wake up from the poison to see tate crying his eyes out because he just lost somthing he cared deeply for and what do we do? correct him when he says dragon. like i know the mc is a lil dumb in general but from what we saw in other parts of the route and other routes he isnt tottaly socialy inept. it seemed so weird that the mc sees his friend somone that if you do the route the best way possible we hang out with all day for like 3 days crying on the ground looking at the place somthing he deeply cared for was now stolen and for all he knows might already be dead or he will never get to see him again tate starts speaking about i think seraph was the name and says the word dragon so instead of comforting him we correct him to wyvern and he gets rightfuly angry and leaves. while yes i know story building is important yes people make mistakes and yes they did like get better with eachother and whatnot but it just seemed so out of place to say with the situation that were in. am i the only one that felt this way during that scene? 

if you read untill now ty for listening and sorry for the probably many grammer mistakes i made