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Hey, thanks for playing and for the feedback!

The game definitely lacks the self-explanotary factor (which takes time). For instance - you CAN level up you devs. By hiring the same dev that is already on your team you add up stars to their portrait. Collect 3 stars and you'll level up Junior to Mid or Mid to Senior. It's explained in the Manual but who in their sanity would actually read that lol :D

Beside that - what kind of features/game mechanics would you like to see in the full release of such a game?  Do you have any ideas?

One more thing. Your comment about board games - this is the niche that I really enjoy (like taking designs from board games and enhancing it with advantages that computers provide i.e. automated rng and numbers crunching, easier balancing, additional layers od experience like VFX and SFX). So I feel flattered by this comparison as I see my future self specializing in this kind of game design! Thanks!