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I like it a lot! Mechanics are really fun, even if things get repetitive after a while. I like the idea of having multiple playable characters - for instance by saving a new slave from the slaver, or by beating a boss. Like an alternative choice for an archer or the sword.

I'm not entirely sure how the world map works. (Does it have like 1-1, 1-2 and more? I've only manged to get 1 win streak and I'm not sure how many you need to get to the tower, if that's implemented yet.)

More locations would be nice, maybe some passive boons?

How do enemy spawns work? If they're entirely based on chance, an unlucky player could get overrun very quickly and a lucky one would get barely any? Or does the game have a set amount of monsters to spawn for each 50 steps?

I did found a bug. For example you could use the archer's ability to shoot 3 arrows at 3 lanes. The first two could hit an enemy, and you could cancel the attack before the third lands. Doing this allows the archer to move again, though the energy is used, and the two enemies got hit.

Overall this game is really good! Even mobile there's no freezes or anything. Looking forward to new content, don't push yourself too hard dev or devs.

Thanks! I'll put that bug on the list. About the respawns, each captured girl reduces the max spawn by one, being in a boss or miniboss fight does the same. the spawn number is random between 0 and the max spawn number.

About the map, each map means a different boss (there's 3). The mountain blocks your path to the next event

Is the tower not available yet? Or does it appear once you beat the 3 bosses?

Not available yet