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Just saw the update!  I'll have to give it a look next time I get a chance!  

no worries. i was going to mention it to you while i was watching your stream but i got distracted by the puzzle game and forgot 😅. Nesdev23 just wrapped up and there's a whole pile of good entries to check out if you're interested

wow I'm dumb, I didn't even realize that's who you were 🤣  we've got COVID going through the house right now so I may/may not be streaming this week.

Looking forward to checking out the update, though!


there's a surprise for you after you reach the end, let me know if you find it

I wondered if it was somewhere at the end, there's some bubbles that looked like it was hinting toward something. I haven't figured it out yet, but I'll get it lol

I knew it!  That first jump was just a tricky one to make.  I tried a few times, then thought maybe it had to do with bubbles... then went back to the jumps and got it :D

I've never had a shoutout in an NES game before - that's awesome!  I'll make sure Zarc and the others know to go past the end, too! :D


haha, good job! Thanks again for playing my game and reaching out to let me know you all were playing it  👍

No prob!  Good luck with the NESDev Entry!