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The idea for a game is pretty cool, you were creative with picking the reticle bloom as your theme, and sound stuff helps you keep playing.

I feel the concept of "shoot more accurately when moving" fits more into some kind of a game with cool movement mechanics and fast paced gameplay. Here it feels more tiring to the hand after 5 minutes of playing though. One thing that came up in my head after shooting pots on the accident: i saw they shake and move a bit after you shoot them, it would be cool if they had less friction and slided further, so you could reposition them in free time.

But overall a solid submission!


maybe youre right actually, I probably should have decreased the friction on the flowers. Them moving was more of a side effect and not something I coded in but i did notice it, I just didnt think to amplify it in any way.

Also the moving while shooting was something that I thought would keep the game fun as opposed to just being a point and click adventure. If it required you to stay still, or if your accuracy was always spot on, then the game would be insanely boring. Thats why I kinda inversed the bloom mechanic

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah i appreciate the originality! Just the design of it certainly needs more polishing, but that's alright