I really enjoyed playing!
I think I managed to get the cats to coexist!
I think petting cats to generate static electricity is a really neat take on the theme.
The options screen was well done. I always want to include a good one in our games but I always seem to run out of time (and I generally don't enjoy UI work). I might have to check out the addon you used.
The sounds were satisfying and the music choices fit.
I liked your art; simple, but once I figured out how everything worked (I had to re-read the instructions a couple times), it went pretty smoothly.
The controls in general were good, but I kept wanting to Click+Hold+Drag+Release instead of Click to pick up and Click to put down. If you decide to continue with the game it might be nice to add that as a toggleable option (maybe accessible from the game). I've implemented this before so feel free to ping me if you want.
The cats from different regions all seemed identical, so I wasn't sure if there was a strategy on how to handle them. I also wasn't sure if stacking was doing anything noticeable since I didn't see a lot of differences when I put them closer together.
Also, the price increases and inventory/stock available didn't seem intuitive to me (I'm guessing that's probably due to running out of time to tweak balance).
Overall I had fun playing!