Thank you for providing this template, its exactly exactly what I was looking for with a little project I wanted to do.
I do have a quick question, how would you go about having images repeat in a loop? In the same way of blinking sprites?
So far I've gotten some test sprites to show as separate 'events' in binksi (i.e sprite1, sprite2(eyes closed)) while copy pasting the code; '>>>CUTSCENE (image1 tag, show)' with variations according to whether the sprite's eyes are open, throughout the script to give an impression of blinking.
This works decently, but I wondered if there was a different, more efficient way you could suggest?
If not, that's fine. I'll just have the sprites show up as is since this wasn't really what the engine was meant for I think lol. Just something I wanted to try.
Thanks in advance!