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Thank you very much for all the cool updates.

However, after every update my QDock is overwritten by QDock Light and I have no idea where to find QDock and my old settings.

For now I'm using WBDock and hope all settings will stay after an update.

Also Utilities I installed are wiped away after updating eg. AmiWeatherForecasts was added to user-startup and now missing after updating to v7.38.

I choose "update" btw. ;-) 

I'm on an MacBook Pro M1 Max running AmiBerry

Looks cool, yeah the updater only thinks as 32se sort of, the system itself is small, backup like system, s, wbstartup folders or all workbench if you have room for it and add back what was overwritten. QDock folder is in system folder, backup and put back after a update ;) I'll see if there is a improvement for next update to be made!

(3 edits)

Next update should keep all QDock settings and app intact+other dock etc.

I see you got the WBDock loaded in correct way, nice you found my latest invention ... all Themes has own WBStartup

and thanks for the notice!