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I do really like the original idea of the random game installer, but was also one of the many folks unable to get it working.

ZZTorture you were there for the stream of, so yada yada good capturing of "my first ZZT game" energy with some fun art that made it feel more high effort than keeping the yellow borders and throwing in a pile of lions before calling it a day. Nice invisible centipede >:(

Sorry streaming plans fell apart and we couldn't go with the original plan of quietly streaming one per stream and making no comment on the fact that multiple games were made.

I did want to at least check out Dink while I had some time because I am a sucker for Zelda 1. I did at least record that: in this currently unlisted video. But the long and short of it is that it felt very early MZX-ey and felt like a solid enough groundwork for a more original Zelda styled game. (It's a tough sell to strip down the original game these days when it's so easy for folks to play.) I would genuinely like to see what a Weave Zelda-inspired original adventure might look like. Dink seems like a good rough draft to build from.