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(10 edits)

Beautiful graphics, excellent details.

These have likely been mentioned elsewhere, but darned if they're easily found ..

Landed on Tenaris .. mission computer should tell you if you have the items "In House" .. considering it has auto-stock capabilities .. it doesn't have to load them for you, but it should at least tell you they're there (can't quite figure out the object to check in the script to modify it myself)

Void Mining .. okay .. it can been seen as happening outside normal space-time, so 1 hour home space time makes some sense, it also allows you to make use of the rest of the day. The singular Precursor Crate (roll) is okay .. seems the Colapsar Torpedo could use a 1-2 random chance so you can keep rolling if you have the patience (already altered this one myself)

Regular Mining .. the refusal to do so after a certain time makes sense, but it should take a set amount of time .. say 3-4 hours .. so if you start at 0800 you're not wasting the entire day mining, and if you start at 1700 you're going to sleep immediately afterward.

Hyperspace travel .. exactly the same as mining above. The way both of them are set up is frustrating because they start and end in ways that are inconsistent with the passage of time. It's just so .. annoying .. if there were a choice, I'd rather have those two sorted out than mission screen "In House" notifications. (may go looking to alter those myself eventually)

The ship itself does need one more room, a statuary one where you can activate a 'display' of each bot you've found a shell for.

Otherwise .. already spent far too long getting just the right bot setup for near $30,000,000 values. Haven't even finished one version of this game and looking forward to the next update. Nice work.

(one last thought .. the Infiltrator shell .. figured out how to keep it assembled and keep it from even trying to escape the botlab .. it's a shame it can't be used in the arcade .. an idea for that is that it always reverts to its default "Infiltrator" stats, traits and personality when removed from one bot and added to another .. that way it could be used for both (and an excuse to use more precursor cubes))

Thanks for the suggestions on player experience. I'll include that (esp. the time passage consistency) into the balancing / tuning tweaks that come for 1.30.

Glad you enjoy the game so far.

(2 edits)

Cheers .. one very last thought about the mission computer .. it 'could' tell you that you have the items "In House" even while you're out in space .. (because of the auto-stock (and only once you have that capability)) .. of course you'd still need to fly back to get it .. (wasting time efficiently?)

(that thought just got really big. time to stop thinking)

(thinking too hard) .. a possible penalty for mining too late in the evening .. start mining at 1700, you sleep through the morning briefing and the crew randomly chooses what they feel like wearing and doing

Oh, I like the way you think - just, maybe let the "little grey cells" have a lie down for a bit! And a bun. Buns are good.

I agree with your thoughts on Void Field mining. (My first thought when that popped up was to look out for Void Cows. Ahem)

The passage of time is a Thing, and having a set finish time, regardless of when you start does feel a bit weird, as well as compressing the time available for one's evening rounds attending to the crew's needs, visiting the Space Bar (I note that there's no lock requiring an Any Key) and so on. You could say the same thing about T'Ris and her station walks. After the first one for each outfit it takes her all blinking day, rather than an hour, maybe two. What's she doing?

Have a set period, maybe a late start penalty as you said, and the rest is gravy. Or custard.

completely forgot about T'Ris station walks .. even as few as they were, it was annoying.

Late evening mining could even be a cumulative thing .. two evenings in a row, you sleep through the third morning, no briefing, not even knowledge of how your arcade bots did, or whether they were returned to you (random chance of missing morning delivery, delayed to next morning?)

Time management kinds of things .. consider timings carefully to minimize idle time, and maximize benefits against possible penalties, loses, or opportunities put off until later.

(Do I mine tonight, or go see T'Ris)