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Hey, just want to be upfront—I'm not writing a full-on review here, more like some thoughts on the game as it stands.

I'm pretty excited about this game's development and can totally see its potential. It's not often you come across something in this category, so it's unique in a good way.

While I'm enjoying the game so far, I've got a few ideas that might help improve things:

First up, having a general "Controls" section in the menu would be clutch. It'd help players figure out the button layout easily.

How about having a prompt (like a 'Press E') appear when you're over a dead monster or future items? Could be handy for newbies. And hey, maybe give an option to turn it off in the menu for the pros.

So, I noticed the enemy spawning indicator got added in version 1.0. Nice move! Maybe scale it according to the size of the enemy—smaller enemy, smaller indicator, you know?

To make it stand out more from games like TBOI or Enter the Gungeon, how about adding weapon durability? Since there seem to be plans for more than one weapon, this could prevent players from relying solely on one super-strong weapon. Maybe even let us carry two guns we can switch between—keeping that powerful one or switching to a weaker one based on the situation. And hey, what if there's a blacksmith in shops or a separate room where we could spend gold to repair weapon durability?

Just throwing these ideas out there. Hope they spark something cool for the game's development! Can't wait to see where it goes!


thanks for all this feedback, i really appreciate it :)

its still very early in development, so im glad that youre enjoying the game at least somewhat, and i have been trying to think about ways to make it unique. I like the idea of weapon durability, and only having a few limited weapons and having to manage that would be interesting. 

Im probably going to update relatively often, at least for the first few weeks, so stick around and let me know if you think i should add or change anything :)


Absolutely! It's awesome to see the potential this game holds even in its early development stages. There's a solid foundation here that piques my interest in seeing how it'll evolve down the line. Some games hit a wall when it comes to expansion, but this one seems ripe for growth.

This game definitely deserves more attention, especially as it keeps growing with future updates. I'm thrilled to keep an eye on its progress and will gladly pitch in more ideas as they pop up during updates.

Really appreciate it man, I'm going to try and update tomorrow probably? So stick around to see what I've changed :D