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(1 edit)

i just wanted to know if think about update some of Nana form sprite in fight because i think that two of them could use one.

Slime form because compare to all the slime that you fight and lima it seem out of place because it transparent and that all the other slime aren't.

Kitsune form because since you upgrade Serina and Shira got a resprite so now it look a little out of place when compare to these two and also maybe it is me but how the sprite in battle is for this form make me think that Nana is a little to excited to use this form in battle

(It just a suggestion that i wanted to say since you start upgrading some sprite of ennemies and party member)

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If i see the need to update or change some I do it, like I already have for quite a few. It's just not that high on my priority list since it takes a long time to redo or even make new drawings. And all that are currently in the game are at least looking decently enough imo. If I find the time to spare I definitely will rework things that need it.

I just made it transparent since i thought it would make the form more diffrenciated from Lima's design. I definitely could make her slime form not transparant for a test in the next version and you can tell me what you think^^

Yeah I can see that point. Drawing a new artwork for every form with my current skills would be nice and lookked a lot better and in line, i would say but I definitely wont do that. It sadly would just be way too much work and I already dont have much free time. But I certainly could make the artwork for her kitsune form less suggestive.

It comes from the fact that all of these drawings werent made with the intention to use them in a game at first. They are all old drawings from one or two years ago. I made new artworks for party members since they there even older and they are important to the story and looked to plain for my taste.

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don't worry i understand that art is something that take time and that can't be rush it was just a little something that i wanted to say since kitsune form is a little to sugestive and since the is suppose to be sfw it just wanted to point out but don't worry it ok if the art are not updated

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No worries, I appreciate the feedback^^

Don't hesitate to mention if you see anything else!

I will see to adjust forms designs a little bit in the next version for a test.

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I finished changing and adjusting both artworks a little bit.
What do you think of these changes?


i really like slime form in pink it a really good match and kitsune form is much better than before

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Great to hear.
This updated artworrks will then be in the next version^^

Thanks for the feedback again!