i'm just gonna send in a controller that doesn't work here
i use this controller https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4F6ZNW2/ref=twister_B0CDD5KMFM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
with the "Default" layout, Y is accept/jump, and A is back/action
with the "JP" layout, B is accept/jump, and Y is back/action
and with the "US" layout, Y is accept/jump and B is back/action
if youuu actually need the controller itself i'm fine with helping with testing (my discord is "min_is_mini")
anyways uhhh update about my thoughts, yeah it still holds up for me i still love this, even made a few mods for the game using sxips's tutorial and WOW this game's style is so fun to replicate for me- i love making these,,,