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A member registered Aug 26, 2023

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OH THEY ACTUALLY DID MAKE ONE NICE i thought there wasn't since i asked if i could make one and didn't get a response but didn't feel like looking it up-

(just go into party project's folder and replace package.nw with this file then run the game)

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oh!! yeah of course, i didn't release any of my mods yet since my preferred mod sharing method is with gamebanana and to my knowledge party project has no gamebanana page yet, so i just uploaded it to google drive since you asked for it

okay quick bug report: i was playing on koopa's tycoon town and items were used and uhhhh yeah that's not right

the hud got messed up, instead of the sign(s) for being attacked with an item being attached to the character(s) effected, they... i don't know how to explain this- they just kinda hang out in midair?

at least it gave me this beautiful image

(yes i'm obviously aware that there's already a kirby mod for the game- i just wanted to make one myself so there could be a mod for them that was actually in the style of the game instead of just using the kssu sprite, plus kirby is one of my favorite characters of all time)

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i'm just gonna send in a controller that doesn't work here

i use this controller

with the "Default" layout, Y is accept/jump, and A is back/action

with the "JP" layout, B is accept/jump, and Y is back/action

and with the "US" layout, Y is accept/jump and B is back/action

if youuu actually need the controller itself  i'm fine with helping with testing (my discord is "min_is_mini")

anyways uhhh update about my thoughts, yeah it still holds up for me i still love this, even made a few mods for the game using sxips's tutorial and WOW this game's style is so fun to replicate for me- i love making these,,,

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so since people learned how to make mods for this; could i (or someone else idk) make a gamebanana category for this game so others could upload their mods? (i'm assuming yes but i wanna make sure)

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after downloading this and playing a few rounds, THIS IS SO GOOD I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the rules are so customizable which is so cool and allows for so much replayability with making your own game modes in a way, plus i love the characters (snooze silvia and the host i don't know the name of my beloveds,,,)

i'll be honest and say when i downloaded this via the party crashers' video on it i was sorta saddened by the fact that i couldn't mod it (i love retexturing hehe) but i won't bother you too much abt it since there's already a million others asking about it and people are working on making this moddable

but yeah really good stuff!!!!