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I am still playing the game....but Blue Blythe "helping" you smile....AHHHH! <3 I want to play their route so bad. 

Kept playing and ran into a weird error. I completed one ending and when I loaded to a previous save; the old CG was the new background instead of the arcade: 


Do not look further if you have not played! 

But even with that, man this was fun to play. 

When you try to leave the game <3 I don't know how you even managed to code that, but it was an amazing surprise. 


Thanks so much for checking out the game :3 So glad you had fun with it!

Yeeeeah, tbh, I have literally no idea what causes that bug, but I ran into it myself once or twice during testing, and it's a real bad one because sometimes it can end up showing random CGs as backgrounds when players haven't even encountered those CGs yet T_T It seems to resolve itself upon reloading again, but it doesn't stop it from randomly happening any time you load a save >.<" and once a spoiler has happened, it's happened :( 

I can only imagine it was a weird bug with the version of Naninovel that I was using at the time I made the game because I remember I updated to the most recent version of the software at the time when I started the project, and as far as I know, the issue doesn't occur in older projects of mine where I've used older versions of Naninovel, or in newer projects where I've used newer versions of Naninovel, haha. 

I'm just really really hoping that when I come back to this project to work on blue Blythe's route, that updating to the latest version of Naninovel will fix the bug! Because if not, I have literally no idea how to stop it from happening >.<"

But yeah, despite the stupid bug, I'm glad you enjoyed the game :D And hehe, it's a bit of a pain in the butt coding those extra silly lil things, but it's a lot of fun so it's worth it x3

Hope you get to have happy holidays!! :3