It has been a long time since I played horror games and I was surprised to enter to see a brand new horror game created by the creator of the iconic "The Smiling Man", so I decided to play the game. The game has an intriguing storyline where the main character decides to head to a dangerous house where the serial killer is likely to be present in the house.
It was definitely quite scary to walk through claustrophobic narrow hallways in the basement and throughout the house as it feels as though a jumpscare can happen at any point of time while exploring the house. I like the cutscene where the game starts to get more intense from there and running around looking for items in a wild chase was quite intense yet enjoyable at the same time. Moreover, I think it was good that the story about how the serial killer came about was also included to allow players to better understand the storyline and immerse the player into the game. Additionally, I liked the cutscene that occurred in the game as it was such a iconic moment when it involves the policeman in horror movies and games XD.
However, I felt that time stopping while searching for items was quite beneficial for the player while being chased since it gives time for the player to get the items out and search for items but in reality, the main character would have been hacked to death while partaking in such activities. It would be much more intense and scary if the player had to constantly worry about the serial killer while partaking in such tasks. Furthermore, I felt that the story could have been more developed as I felt quite detached from the game as a whole where the main focus is just escaping from a chaser that technically can be anyone. Lastly, the invisible barriers preventing the main character from accessing certain areas that will be unlocked later on isn't very realistic as well.
Overall, I liked the mood and atmosphere of the game and the solving of the puzzle to escape the Serial Killer's house. Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.