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Love every aspect of this, except for the horror element. But people seem to like horror and gore these days (judging from 99% of games on itch being horror), so I'm in the minority, don't listen to a boomer like me. I do like the idea of blending military realism with mysticism albeit a bit more subtly like metal gear did with psycho mantis and the other bosses. Nice chemtrails in the intro btw, need more conspiracy-y details like that. The main character is hilarious, cutscenes are great, gameplay feels good(just way too easy atm), artstyle is amazing. Look forward to playing the full game if it's not too spooky lol. Good luck with development

did you notice the corona pandemic magazine in the science observation lab?

The description didn't mention the horror. It's an immediate turn-off for me, sorry. It would be nice to have an option that disables the horror elements.

Only one very brief cut-scene in the game is horror and it's not really scary tbh but you can always check a video on yt first if you want.