I finally finished the demo! I’m looking forward to the full game!
Here is my feedback for the second half of the demo:
Battle UI: I tried playing entirely with the keyboard but it wasn’t easy
- I don’t know how to cancel Attack or Magic target selection to go back to the previous action menu (even with the mouse). Backspace doesn’t work (and Escape opens the Save menu)
- there is however a Back button in the Magic selection, easy to click with mouse, accessible with keyboard via nav keys although I’d rather use Backspace (or Escape, but I understand it’s always bound to Save menu to allow save even during battle, which is not bad!)
- during target selection, nav keys don’t always work. When there are two enemies, left doesn’t always select the one on the left, I had to use the mouse. Sometimes, no enemy is selected (highlighted), but Space still attacks the first enemy available.
- showing damage in top-right text is not bad for a classic presentation (as in Golden Sun), although I would expect damage to show directly on the enemy in such a visual-oriented format (I don’t know if it’s a technical or artistic choice). I do see how it’s harder to do on the main character though, since she only has an avatar.
UI: dialogue
- nice that you can hover names to see their summary in tooltip
- … but there was no tooltip for Rutilus, which was quite an important character to understand what’s going on, even if off-screen. They eventually explained who it was in the dialogue, but I missed the drama for one or two text blocks (I thought he was a butler like Elias).
UI: History
- you cannot hover the names to show their tooltips. It’s not that important, but I needed this at a particular time where I didn’t want to rollback too much, just check some info