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Works beautifully on a New 3DS.  I'm having a ball.  Thank you.

(11 edits)

I posted this elsewhere but I'll leave it here too. Besides using the included installable 3DS .CIA file (which will have visual limitations):

FYI -- the game runs perfectly, and looks fantastic, on: (recently updated too!)

On mGBA, even with hardware boosts, I can't get the game to run quite as seamless (especially during cutscenes). I'm assuming this is either due to the limitations of the 3DS hardware when it comes to emulation performance or mGBA needs to be updated to be further optimized..? As it is, unfortunately GBA emulation doesn't get too much of a regular focus in terms of maintenance in the 3DS modding scene, I suppose.

You do have to trade off some of the inherent benefits of using the emulator though (save-states, optional screen widening, etc.). If there's any suggestions for better methods of running GBG on a N3DS, def share!

TBH, I don't use my New 3DS XL for GBA games for the exact advantages you listed by using a mGBA core emulator, plus the screen resolution/scaling just doesn't look right IMHO on the 3DS for GBA games.  Here is a photo comparing the game start screen on my 3DS and on my RGB30: The 3DS screen doesn't look as bad as the photo shows, but it is nowhere as nice as on the RGB30's screen.  I'm using the mGBA-rumble core on various handheld emulators and I'm not seeing any game play performance issues. I adore my 3DS, but I'm much happier just using it for DS/3DS games.