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Happy new year everyone!

Here's the first update in this year:

Some of you thought that I was iddle, but actually I was working hard on the game.

I've found the artist for the game, and am currently working with him on the new design.

Here's a small preview of main ingame interface design.

It's not a final version and might change, but you can get some ideas from it ;)

While the artist is working on the art, I was working mainly on 2 new features (and fixing some bugs):

1. Changing the game controls from WASD to mouse clicking.

This is done for 2 reasons:

First of all new players find it hard to grasp the current controls, and simple mouse clicking should make it easier for them.

And second is that in future we plan on making the mobile version of the game. :)

2. Adding the mob fighting mechanic.

Meaning - shooting mob to mob, break-opening doors and breaking systems from within.

And I can tell you that the hardest part for both of them is done.

What's left:

For the new controls I just need to add the auto repair/extinguish fire.

For the mob fights - add the possibility for mobs/players to break ship systems from inside the room. And add the new mob AI for boarders and defenders.

Also want to add the systems hacking, and ship hijacking before I release the new version.

For now all mobs/players will probably have the same weapon and gear.

And later I will add the mob inventory, together with new shops that will sell mob gear.

As always - any questions, feed back, ideas and suggestions are welcome. :)


Was anyone able to make a video playthrough of the a0.7 version?

Hi again,

1. Great it's easier for new players to understand clicking with the mouse.

1.5 I would suggest to refrain from making a mobile version since it might require you to simplify the game down a lot or might take up a lot of valuable time learning how to make it for iOS and Android that could have been spent on making the game first game for Windows, my suggestion would be finish the game first then port.

2. Great to hear! Boarding and being boarded is something that is very exciting and would love to see that patched in.

@Pixel Art.

Looks great I know it's a preview but it's very grey when it's further along and the background is filled in and there is a ship decal it could be pretty lovely!