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Loving the textures. Saw something while playing and I cant seem to recreate it but maybe you have some insight. Was harvesting on an adjacent field and noticed the canolas distance texture was yellow. Odd as its ready for harvest. If I go into easyDev and set the field to harvest, distance texture is correct. Tried a new save both with no mods and all mods and the distance texture seems to be fine. 

I would assume you've added the crop textures to a map then used an old existing savegame on that map. This can sometimes cause distance texture issues until the crop is replanted or changed like you did with EasyDev.

I've no idea why really as the savegame doesn't store the distance textures, yet will sometimes act like it does. One of GIANTS annoying little coding errors somewhere.

It was a new game. I pretty much start a new save anytime I edit anything in my map. Its just odd. If it happens again I'll perhaps delve deeper. Thanks for awesome textures. Hoping one day how to do them myself. Happy Farming (or modding , lol) -CB

Your welcome. Glad you enjoy the textures.

Done some more digging... is the map your using a non default sized map? As in 4x, etc?

If so that could also be your issue. When increasing the density files to make the larger maps it can cause a variety of issues as GIANTS coding was never designed for the larger size.

Yeah it’s a 4km. I’ll keep an eye on it. Three new games since and it’s been fine.